I am 53. But still, from time to time, I get afraid.
The difference between when I used to fear and how I fear now is that I've practiced and I've learned the key to fear is control.
So when I'm willing to give up control, the fear (usually) dissipates.
If I can give up control to a trustworthy source then I know I'm safe and in 'good hands'. Of course at 53 my parents can't help (they are deceased now anyway) and I know the limitations of other adults, such as my husband or other good friends. Counselors can be helpful at pointing me to ways to think that will combat the control or fear.
But God, who is getting very little press these days - in light of His lack of political correctness - I have found to be ultimately trustworthy, all-powerful and loving.
So, when I trust in Him, my fear (usually) dissipates. Proverbs chapter 3 says, 'Trust in the LORD and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.'
What about the times when the fear doesn't go away? I confess, I put my hands up (figuratively) and say, "God, I surrender. I can't manage this on my own." It helps to talk to friends, even though they can't help. It helps me to keep the shame away and keep me in the present. Fear after all, is laced with worry about the future.
If we can live in the present and share where we're at - with God, with friends and family - then we can keep fear at bay.
It's nearly Christmas. If you're afraid of something, how about giving yourself a gift? The gift of hope: that there's a God that's bigger (and more powerful) than your fears and he's actually interested in lightening your load.
Remember: Nothing's a waste; everything has a point. Keep in it for the long haul!
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