Thursday, June 27, 2013

Are You Taken Seriously?

If you've ever experienced from family or friends the sense that you aren't taken seriously, you'll know this is a frustrating experience.

I have. It made me sad and very frustrated to be mocked, considered dishonest or manipulative. But you know what? It also strengthened my resolve to stand true to what I believe and know is right and truth.

I encourage you not to be disheartened when you think you are all alone. Standing alone can feel lonesome but it also is empowering.

The difference between an atheist and a theist (one who believes in God, a creator, a supernatural/omnipotent power) is that sense of total isolation versus intangible company.

You can choose what you believe in. To me, we are never absolutely alone. And to me, that is very comforting.

Whenever I didn't feel like I was being taken seriously, I wish I'd known I could talk to God. I know now and that has made a great difference in my life, because I know someone listens and takes me seriously.

I don't believe we're alone and the entity who watches over us is not a harsh judge who looks to thump us when be mess up. Nor is he a candy-man who glazes over all our short-comings. Rather, he is one who looks to our mistakes as learning opportunities and simply wants to help us to grow into the persons he created us to be, free to be all we can be, irrespective of whether others take us seriously or not.

The mountains are high in this world. There is always a climbing buddy available. It's as simple as taking a step of faith and uttering a whisper, to invite him to let you know he's there.

thank you to the anonymous photographer

More about taking yourself seriously!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Desperate to create

Have you ever felt so desperate to produce something----anything just to show you exist and are creative? Guess what!? l believe it isn't what we create but how we create, how we relate in the creating and with whom we interact that matters far more. Process is of more value than product.  That's all very well, but if da Vinci only processed, or Mozart, where would be art today?  I guess we need to think and create-produce. I guess I'm no further along than I was when I began to write tonight. Or have I not gained the benefit of rumination?  At least frustration is no longer panting at my door, ready to pounce, crush, tear me to shreds.... Is there value in simply thinking?
Oh that I may have space simply to pontificate, taking time and asking it to submit, so I can think, express, celebrate my humanity.