Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Music is great but silence is golden.

How many hours do we spend plugged in or tuned in? How much time do we sit with 'nothing to do' simply to reflect on time passing, friends living, our lives loving one another?

One of my biggest concerns about 'these days' is that people take relatively little time just sitting (or walking) to reflect on their lives or their principles. Perhaps I've made too much effort thinking, but I know who I am - my shortcomings and my strengths - and what matters to me. I don't always act on my principles of loving my neighbour as myself or giving my best to those closest to me, but I try. I aim high, perhaps because I'd rather fail trying than not try at all.

But what I care about for other people is that they find who they are and live in that knowledge. I can't see the search going on... and I'm concerned.

What do you think? Do you take time to reflect? Or are you wrapped up in commitments, activities, responsibilities? Or is it something you've never really thought about? I'd like to know. Because if my hunch/observations/concerns are unfounded, I'd like to know that. And if they are based on what really IS going on in our world today, I'd like that confirmation. Then I'll pray about what to do to involve myself in providing a solution to that issue. I'm a firm believer in 'if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem'. I want to fix things, not make them worse.

I think music is 'the food of love' and a 'balm for the hurting'. But I also feel the plug-in generation are missing some of life as they experience very little silence. Please tell me, am I right or am I wrong, so that I can make a difference.

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