Living Life with Purpose
Up With Life - joy, sorrow, pleasure, pain are all a part of life. There is purpose and potential in every event.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Music is great but silence is golden.
How many hours do we spend plugged in or tuned in? How much time do we sit with 'nothing to do' simply to reflect on time passing, friends living, our lives loving one another?
One of my biggest concerns about 'these days' is that people take relatively little time just sitting (or walking) to reflect on their lives or their principles. Perhaps I've made too much effort thinking, but I know who I am - my shortcomings and my strengths - and what matters to me. I don't always act on my principles of loving my neighbour as myself or giving my best to those closest to me, but I try. I aim high, perhaps because I'd rather fail trying than not try at all.
But what I care about for other people is that they find who they are and live in that knowledge. I can't see the search going on... and I'm concerned.
What do you think? Do you take time to reflect? Or are you wrapped up in commitments, activities, responsibilities? Or is it something you've never really thought about? I'd like to know. Because if my hunch/observations/concerns are unfounded, I'd like to know that. And if they are based on what really IS going on in our world today, I'd like that confirmation. Then I'll pray about what to do to involve myself in providing a solution to that issue. I'm a firm believer in 'if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem'. I want to fix things, not make them worse.
I think music is 'the food of love' and a 'balm for the hurting'. But I also feel the plug-in generation are missing some of life as they experience very little silence. Please tell me, am I right or am I wrong, so that I can make a difference.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Are You Taken Seriously?
If you've ever experienced from family or friends the sense that you aren't taken seriously, you'll know this is a frustrating experience.
I have. It made me sad and very frustrated to be mocked, considered dishonest or manipulative. But you know what? It also strengthened my resolve to stand true to what I believe and know is right and truth.
I encourage you not to be disheartened when you think you are all alone. Standing alone can feel lonesome but it also is empowering.
The difference between an atheist and a theist (one who believes in God, a creator, a supernatural/omnipotent power) is that sense of total isolation versus intangible company.
You can choose what you believe in. To me, we are never absolutely alone. And to me, that is very comforting.
Whenever I didn't feel like I was being taken seriously, I wish I'd known I could talk to God. I know now and that has made a great difference in my life, because I know someone listens and takes me seriously.
I don't believe we're alone and the entity who watches over us is not a harsh judge who looks to thump us when be mess up. Nor is he a candy-man who glazes over all our short-comings. Rather, he is one who looks to our mistakes as learning opportunities and simply wants to help us to grow into the persons he created us to be, free to be all we can be, irrespective of whether others take us seriously or not.
The mountains are high in this world. There is always a climbing buddy available. It's as simple as taking a step of faith and uttering a whisper, to invite him to let you know he's there.
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thank you to the anonymous photographer |
More about taking yourself seriously!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Desperate to create
Have you ever felt so desperate to produce something----anything just to show you exist and are creative? Guess what!? l believe it isn't what we create but how we create, how we relate in the creating and with whom we interact that matters far more. Process is of more value than product. That's all very well, but if da Vinci only processed, or Mozart, where would be art today? I guess we need to think and create-produce. I guess I'm no further along than I was when I began to write tonight. Or have I not gained the benefit of rumination? At least frustration is no longer panting at my door, ready to pounce, crush, tear me to shreds.... Is there value in simply thinking?
Oh that I may have space simply to pontificate, taking time and asking it to submit, so I can think, express, celebrate my humanity.
Oh that I may have space simply to pontificate, taking time and asking it to submit, so I can think, express, celebrate my humanity.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Telling the Truth
INTEGRITY: Is Honesty and Option?
When I was a little kid my friend's mother asked me directly if her daughter had been eating chocolate. The daughter - my best friend - had chocolate ice cream stain around her mouth and on her chin. I remember thinking, my friend has said she hasn't eaten chocolate but she has. I said, "yes". My friend was led away and I didn't see her again until the next day when we met again to play.
When I was a little older and was being bullied, I was accused of lying. I'm not sure what accusation could have hurt me more.
You see, lying isn't an option for me. It never has been. Oh, there have been moments in my life when I've skirted an issue, like when my son asked me about Santa Claus. I never out-and-out said yes there was a Santa or 'Here's what Santa gave you' but rather he assumed all about Santa and the anonymous gift under the tree and I allowed him to draw his conclusions. Perhaps my absence of declaration is what led him to conclude there wasn't a Santa when he was barely 7 - a fairly young age.
I do remember once lying to my mother... only once, because I categorically believed at the time the truth would have upset her very much. By then I was about 20 so I didn't think she needed to know the truth about a particularly personal issue. That is the only blatant lie I'm aware of telling.
Fast forward I take a look at society today, when politicians lie, lawyers have a terrible reputation and television sit com stories hinge on lies, it's no wonder if it doesn't occur to people that lying is not an option.
Call me old fashioned, but I do believe it is possible to survive and keep relationships without lying. Sometimes the truth hurts, but generally I've seen that 'the truth sets us free' - when we hide behind lies we can often feel trapped, while admitting our failures or faux pas releases us from the shame that lies create, as well as giving us a clear conscience. Usually lies are said to protect, but I think if lying is not an option we are more apt to behave more honorably in the first place.
I'm not perfect. I know others with more integrity than I have. But in the case of lying, I've found telling the truth, though sometimes difficult, is a lifestyle that is healthier, friendlier and leads to more responsible behavior.
Can you think of a time when you've had to lie? How did you feel keeping the truth to yourself? Looking back, would you have done anything differently? Are there occasions when lying is the best option?
Would love to know your thoughts.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Love Your Neighbour
"Greater gift has no man than this: to lay down his life for his friends."
In this age of social networking and cyber bullying, it's not so easy to know who our friends are. But one thing is sure: we can know if we are a friend to others.
What is friendship? Is a friend someone to have a good laugh with, share an adventure with, or a secret? Is a friend someone who knows us inside and out and loves us anyway? Does it take time to make a good friend or can that happen overnight?
Friends are valuable to us, and hopefully we seldom take them for granted the way we do our family. While family members know us at our worst, we might not let friends see that side of us, at least not right away. We might hide our tears or our fears from friends, but then when 'crunch time' comes, how do we really know we can depend on them?
Or turning it around, how do we know we can be depended upon?
We who live in the Western World at least, live in culture that is pretty 'me' oriented. So if I turn the question on its head and say, 'how do I know I can be depended upon' it has a different flavor in my mouth. And it helps me to work out if I'm 'friend material' or not. I hope I am. I want to be.
As I look inside myself, I see a person who is loyal but also critical. Loyalty is something I admire and appreciate in my friends. But I don't want to be criticized and so I guess I should let that aspect of me 'die'.
What do you see inside yourself? What attributes contribute to your friendships? Which ones may get in the way? A man named Jesus literally died for all of us; in life and throughout literature, there are stories where one person sacrifices his life for another. But today I'm just suggesting, what part of your personality could you let die for the sake of your friends?
Friday, April 5, 2013
Classical Quest: All The Days of My Life in a Single Moment: Guest ...
Classical Quest: All The Days of My Life in a Single Moment: Guest ...: A couple months ago Tim Fall posted this piece on his blog, Just One Train Wreck After Another . I loved it so much, I asked him if I co...
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Sober or Intoxicated: Where are we running?
EXPLORING : Why Do We Over-Indulge?
I love a glass of dry
red wine from time to time. Chardonnay is alright but when I was 19 I got
really drunk on white wine and to this day I don’t really enjoy white like I
did before that episode.
Why do so many young
adults drink more than they need to? For me I think it was a learning curve –
testing out how much is too much, and how much is enough. And that’s cool. We
learn as children after Easter how much is ‘too much’ chocolate. We often learn
the hard way what are our limits.
But sometimes we eat or
drink , work or play ‘too hard’ because we don’t really want to stop and face
what life is giving us. But you know what? I’ve learned that everything put
before us is for ultimate good. I’ve friends who lost a child aged 9. The
daughter fell out of a tree and broke her neck. For sure it was a horrible
tragedy to endure. But years later, they’ve raised their other two children to
adulthood and have helped hundreds of people through bereavement.
There are some things
that happen to us that we don’t bring on ourselves. There are heinous crimes
being committed against innocent people. But good can come from evil and facing
our pain brings the pain to an eventual conclusion.
Whatever the reason for
‘too much’ in our lives, there is always a way to face and to overcome. Time
heals, God heals; starting again is a healing process. Whatever the pain,
whatever the cause for grief, a tear shed is one less tear holding onto you,
and one more step toward wholeness.
Character grows out of
adversity. Trust that and you can climb over any mountain, even if it is only
one step at a time.
You can check out my
twitter account: @disowndredeemd for relevant bits and bites or see for more stuff.
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